Implemented by




context HttpContext

hashCode → int

Get a hash code for this object.

read-only, inherited
runtimeType → Type

A representation of the runtime type of the object.

read-only, inherited


operator ==(other) → bool

The equality operator.



abort([int statusCode = 500, body = 'Something went wrong']) → dynamic

abortAuthenticationTimeout([body = 'Authentication Timeout']) → dynamic

abortBadGateway([body = 'Bad Gateway']) → dynamic

abortBadRequest([body = 'Bad Request']) → dynamic

abortConflict([body = 'Conflict']) → dynamic

abortExpectationFailed([body = 'Expectation Failed']) → dynamic

abortFailedDependency([body = 'Failed Dependency']) → dynamic

abortForbidden([body = 'Forbidden']) → dynamic

abortGatewayTimeout([body = 'Gateway Timeout']) → dynamic

abortGone([body = 'Gone']) → dynamic

abortImATeapot([body = 'I\'m a Teapot']) → dynamic

abortInsufficientStorage([body = 'Insufficient Storage']) → dynamic

abortInternalServerError([body = 'Internal Server Error']) → dynamic

abortLengthRequired([body = 'Length Required']) → dynamic

abortLocked([body = 'Locked']) → dynamic

abortLoopDetected([body = 'Loop Detected']) → dynamic

abortMethodNotAllowed([body = 'Method Not Allowed']) → dynamic

abortMisdirectedRequest([body = 'Misdirected Request']) → dynamic

abortNetworkAuthenticationRequired([body = 'Network Authentication Required']) → dynamic

abortNotAcceptable([body = 'Not Acceptable']) → dynamic

abortNotExtended([body = 'Not Extended']) → dynamic

abortNotFound([body = 'Not Found']) → dynamic

abortNotImplemented([body = 'Not Implemented']) → dynamic

abortPayloadTooLarge([body = 'Payload Too Large']) → dynamic

abortPaymentRequired([body = 'Payment Required']) → dynamic

abortPreconditionFailed([body = 'Precondition Failed']) → dynamic

abortPreconditionRequired([body = 'Precondition Required']) → dynamic

abortProxyAuthenticationRequired([body = 'Proxy Authentication Required']) → dynamic

abortRangeNotSatisfiable([body = 'Range Not Satisfiable']) → dynamic

abortRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge([body = 'Request Header Fields Too Large']) → dynamic

abortRequestTimeout([body = 'Request Timeout']) → dynamic

abortServiceUnavailable([body = 'Service Unavailable']) → dynamic

abortTooManyRequests([body = 'Too Many Requests']) → dynamic

abortUnauthorized([body = 'Unauthorized']) → dynamic

abortUnprocessableEntity([body = 'Unprocessable Entity']) → dynamic

abortUnsupportedMediaType([body = 'Unsupported Media Type']) → dynamic

abortUpgradeRequired([body = 'Upgrade Required']) → dynamic

abortURITooLong([body = 'URI Too Long']) → dynamic

abortVariantAlsoNegotiates([body = 'Variant Also Negotiates']) → dynamic

abortVersionNotSupported([body = 'HTTP Version Not Supported']) → dynamic

call(Handler innerHandler(Request request)) → Handler

handle(Request request) → Future<Response>

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.

ok(anything) Response

redirect(String location) Response

redirectPermanently(String location) Response

toString() → String

Returns a string representation of this object.
